March 21, 2024


Finally, I get to write a new newsletter. I realize it has been a while, but in my defense, you might have heard the phrase “it has a life of its own” and apparently, I have one of those. Who knew? Anyway, that is my excuse.

One somewhat exciting thing is though that I signed up with a company that specializes in wall art for hospitals, institutions, hospitality industry and corporation. Most of my work that is sold through my regular outlet Fine Art America / Pixels goes to any of these industries already anyway, so it seems that signing up with a specialized company was probably a good idea. Time will tell as they say.

I have a lot of new pictures uploaded to my site Check it out and while you are there, maybe you will find an opportunity to read my blog posts if you haven’t done so yet. Many people find them interesting.   Also, check out my books and the limited edition prints.

The other day, I went to the Everglades with my 4 x 5 wooden field camera and captured a whole 6 images. That doesn’t sound like much, but if you consider that it takes me about 15-30 minutes on average to make just one image, six usable images is a pretty good crop for one day.

Here is one “behind the scenes” image of that day with my camera on top of my truck bed. This 4 feet or so elevation can make a huge difference in the outcome. When I stand on my truck bed with my camera, there are quite a few people who slow down or stop and probably wonder what that nutcase is looking at. Like that shouldn’t be obvious! The number one question I always get in the Everglades is if I see any alligators. Apparently, most people just want to see alligators, like that is all there is, or should be, in the Everglades. With my pictures and with my little book “A slough in Black and White”, I hope to show people there is more to the Everglades than just alligators and egrets.

The image below is of a group of Slash Pines in the middle of a prairie of that same outing. Taken from the back of my truck. This scene was actually behind me on the same spot of the above picture of the truck. I stopped for something else actually, but when I looked over my shoulder, there is was! I shot this with a 360mm telephoto lens. (120mm in 35mm equivalent) The moral of this story is, always look over your shoulder while out and about, you might be surprised.  A prairie is one of the many significant ecosystems in the Everglades. The Everglades is the only park in the US that became a National Park because of its diversity in ecosystems and not because of it scenery. Although, that is beautiful too!


On other news, people who know me, probably know that I am a member of the Baha’i Faith. Like other world religions, the Baha’i Faith has its own calendar that starts with new year on the first day of spring, and that was this year yesterday the 20th of March. It is the year 181 now. Time flies! For more info, contact me or visit


Last, but not least, I have a limited time promotion on Fine Art America / pixels. 10% discount on everything in my portfolio until April 30, 2024  Just follow the link and use code HZURBU at the check-out!

So that was it for this newsletter. Please feel free to share this newsletter with anybody you feel might be interested.

Have fun and until next time. Don’t hesitate to contact me any time if you have  questions, problems, or just feel like bugging me!  (J/K, Love to hear from you and you never just bug me)


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